My days aren't so boring.
I love school. And I already like my teachers and classes this year.
I know it's going to be hard, being in Spanish with a strict teacher and Algebra 1 Honors, but I'll live. Because I want to be something different. I won't care if people make fun of me for getting the highest grades. They're obviously jealous, so why should I care? I won't. I need a challenge.
And I love seeing everyone again. I already can tell I'm coming closer to a couple people I was hoping to this year, so I'm really excited for that. I just wish one of them wasn't going to the high school every afternoon, and wasn't leaving every Thursday.
But I have others, so I'll be fine.
And I love seeing all my little 6th grade friends. So weird. Knowing that I'm the "King of the School."
It seems like I was just in 6th grade.
It needs to start. SOON.
It will be the freaking bomb.
The Book Assassins will dominate.
. . . Probably not, but I guarantee we have more fun than any other team.
That's all I care about.
Ah. . . I can tell this year will be different. It will be better.
I cannotfreakingwait.