Fill in the blank?
I'll do it for you.
Those fucking bitches need to go suck a giant dick.
That one girl, the nicest one of you all, says how she LIKES us. She thinks we're NICE. (unlike you.)
And you start talking shit about us?
Go die in a hole.
We wore the same shirt, what, once?
How the hell is that "weird"? Or "gay"?
I can guarantee you've done that before. So talk crap about us?
I absolutely hate all of you bitches and whores. Seriously. Go. Die.
Nobody likes you.
So just to make you "not accept" us anymore, we're going to wear the same shirt, again, tomorrow.
Just for you, bitches.
I hope your clique is against us nerds.
Because, honestly, we'll never give a crap.