Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Swim team.
I like the feeling of basically killing myself to catch up to the ones who are faster than me. I like the feeling of almost bursting into tears because I just can't make it. I like the feeling of pushing myself harder and harder, tearing away all the stress and madness as I struggle through each stroke, sprinting.... sprinting.... finally getting to the end, a good deed done, the weight lifted off my shoulders. I feel the strength. I feel my pulse. I feel my lungs, ready to explode. I feel the burn, the fire, the heat escaping through my skin, flushing my face with a bright red. I can feel the determination to win. You wouldn't even imagine.

Friday, October 8, 2010

I was simply listening to my ipod on the bus ride home.
But it felt real.
The way my earphones were in, the way they perfectly fit, it felt like the music was surrounding me. I wasn't just listening to it, I was LIVING it.
I could hear everybody talking, but I could hear the music too.
It was the best feeling.
I actually felt like I was living.
The life I want to live is the life with music everywhere.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


I'm really liking this fall season.
I'm really liking school.
I'm really liking everything that's going on right now.
Everybody is getting along... and NONE of my friends are mad at me.
... At least I don't think?
They at least don't make it obvious.
And I love seeing his face almost every day.
And I especially love how he comes up to me and starts talking.
When he walked up the other day, my other friend who likes him walked up behind us and said hi to me. She was so jealous.
I loved it.

In reading, (this is the greatest part of school), we're writing poems about fall. About the season, the colors, the changing leaves, the weather, anything.
It's amazing.
So I'm not the greatest poet, but it feels so good to be doing something I like in school. We aren't reading boring stories that nobody likes, we aren't writing a thousand word essay about something nobody cares about, we're writing poetry that can mean anything and everything to you, and nobody has to know.
I love it.
I'll get my poems up here eventually. I've been pretty busy what with swim team, dance, homework, etc.
Although some of those things kill me (cough, cough, swim team), everything is still falling into place.