Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Wow. I love how I support you in so many miscellaneous activities, yet when I qualify for districts, you don't want to come. At. All.
I went to your cross country meets. I cheered for you at basketball games. And when you shot 6 points in that one game, you didn't realize how proud I was of you. That you were my brother. You live for that sport, and you finally accomplished your goal. I gave you a hug.
I suffered through your baseball games.
I suffered through your freezing cold soccer games at 9 IN THE MORNING.
And when you were at the Y that one day, playing basketball with your friends during one of my swim meets, you couldn't even watch me swim for 30 seconds.
And now you've decided to not come to districts either, even though you know it means so much to me.
You worked hard for your dream, and I was there to watch it.
I worked even harder for mine, yet you don't have any desire to watch me live it.
You don't realize how disappointed I am in you.

1 comment:

  1. I hate it when people say this to me, but I'm going to say this to you.
    You're not alone.
    The last time my brothers/dad have watched me dance, was when I was eight.
    I spend my LIFE at the studio.
    They could at least come to ONE recital.
    It disappoints me, too.
