I can't take this anymore.Life just needs to stop.
So many freaking problems. No solutions.
The same things, every day. The same thoughts, the same physical issues, EVERYTHING.
Nothing is perfect. I know that.
But, in my mind, peoples' lives are certainly more perfect than others.
I whole shit load better than mine.
I don't know what she's talking about, whether it's me, or someone else. Who says I don't care? I do. I freaking do. And I don't know what to do.
I can't trust people. I've made that decision. People aren't ever really there. They say they will be. They aren't. I know it. Because when you need them, they say, "Oh. Sorry." Or something stupid, that I honestly don't want to hear.
There's nothing I can do.
My mind has been like this too long, and it won't change now.
It especially doesn't help that my "ex-crush" is dating some freaking bitch that I hate.
So, yeah, it's obvious I still like him. But still. It doesn't help having more of this dumped on me, drowning me in this sadness.
I'm hopeless.
No matter how much I write, how hard I push myself to stop thinking about "happy-ever-afters", no matter WHAT I DO, I'll always be like this.
Wishing for the past to come back.
Wishing everything was just perfect for me.
Well, you know what, my fucked up mind?
It. Won't. Happen.
And, life?
I'm prepared for your sorrow to pour on me. I've been dealing with it for how long now? Months. So I'm ready. I'll deal with it. Since it's basically impossible for me to be 100% happy any time soon. I'll suck it up. No, I've already sucked it up. I'll just continue.
Even music and running doesn't calm me.
Look at how much I'm flipping out now.
Seems the only time I'm actually somewhat relieved is when I run, with music blasting through my ears. I can focus on the lyrics and their meaning, while my legs take me away from home; away from the place that brings back so many memories.
Too bad it doesn't last.
Sorry for all of this... venting. I just need to get it out. Let it be known, that some 13 year old is suffering. Suffering with her own thoughts. With her reality.