Thursday, May 27, 2010


We were 2 houses away. She was still walking, but I couldn't go any further. I was too nervous. Ex-boyfriend and all. How could I risk it?
He knew we were there, but he wanted us to go away.
Or maybe not.
He was running. No, not running; sprinting out of his house. His parents were probably wondering what the hell was going on. I sure was.
Our eyes met. He was still coming towards me, and before I know it, he takes my hands. Still looking directly in my eyes.
"I want you. I need you. I miss you. I love you."
Then he grabbed my face, and kissed me. Kissed me so hard, so fiercely, and I kissed him back. I didn't care if my best friend was right there, staring.
When he finally let go, he was just standing there. Realizing that he just made my day. For the first time in a month and a half.

See what happens when you read too many romance novels?


  1. I like it.
    But if this is about, well, your ex, you're screwed.
    Not screwed, but confused. And making me confused.

  2. I'm hiding my pain. My dream last night made me want to cry. I'll put it up.

  3. I've been hiding my pain since the begining of sixth grade, woman.
    The thing is, I'm so good at it nobody even noticed. You only know because you read my thoughts.
    We all put up with our own battles. It may not look like it, but we're all fighting a war.
    So it's your job to put up with it.

  4. Oh, you said, "PUT IT UP."
    But what I said is true, even though it's kind of besides the point.
