Saturday, May 29, 2010

May 29, 2010

I just want to know that someone is there. Someone who I love. Someone who I want to spend the rest of my life with.
I just want somebody.
To cuddle with, to lay with.
To hug, to kiss.
To love, to laugh.
Last night, as I looked up at the stars, I needed him. Desperately. This anonymous "somebody" needed to be there. I was close to tears. I had my friends, but I wanted to be on that trampoline, looking at the sky, late at night, a campfire by our side, with us holding each other. I wanted him to stroke my cheek with his gentle hand, slowly coming in to plant a light kiss on my lips. I wanted the wind to blow, just pulling us closer, as we shared body heat.
So many wants. I need the things I'm thankful for.
A great weekend. So far.
Great friends, great experiences, great memories.
And even better, friends who dream of the same things. Who wish for the same feeling.
It's good to know some people are on my side.


  1. You may not have known it, but that entire night, I was thinking the exact same thing.

  2. I think we all were. Well, all of us girls.

  3. Yeah. Don't think Ian was, because men are pigs, but I think we all were, too.
